10 tips for a feel good February (even in lockdown!)
February is a great month to re-focus on our self care.
Here are some simple suggestions for you to play with this month. Pick one or two and see how you get on!
Take time outside everyday to notice the changing season. Notice the bulbs coming up, the light changing, the leaf buds on the trees.
Move your body daily. It could be a walk, a stretch, a dance, a run, a cycle. Something that gets the joints moving and heart pumping. If you’re stuck at home, just a few squats while the kettle boils or going up and down stairs a couple of times is a great start.
Hydrate. It’s so simple and so effective it’s easy to forget. Have a glass of water by the bed to drink as soon as you wake up. Fill a large glass or bottle with water when you sit down to work/homeschool.
Notice your posture. Sit up lovely and tall at your desk, lift your head and look around as you walk. It makes a huge difference to how you feel.
Add in nourishment. Try one different food each week. Or try and get more than your ‘5 a day’ of fruit and veg. Try a new veg-packed recipe.
Rest more. Give yourself a set bedtime. Set the wifi to turn off at 10pm so you can’t binge watch another Netflix series. Create a lovely bed time ritual.
Find joy in the small things. Seek out what makes you laugh or what fills you with happiness. Find a new joke to tell a friend, relish the first cup of tea of the day, start a new notebook, or re-read a well loved book.
Appreciate yourself. Seriously. You’re amazing. Look at you. Look at your feet and legs that carry you around all day. Your arms and hands that do all those important tasks ALL DAY LONG. Your eyes reading this text right now. What a seriously incredible body you have. Show it some appreciation and love.
Allow gratitude. I’m sure you’ve heard this before but gratitude is a powerful tool for our wellbeing. I like to lie in bed and think of 3 things I’m grateful for before I get up. Writing it down is more powerful.
Try something new. Get the brain firing up in new ways. Learn a new skill, try a new recipe, borrow some rollerskates, find a random ‘how to’ video on youtube.
Don’t make it hard for yourself. One or all of these things can help improve your feel-good-factor. But you’ll need to find the right way, one that suits you and your life right now.
Or get in touch and see if I can help you find your February Feel Good factor!